Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

MD3 Assignment

MD3 Assignment

Q For this activity, you will perform research tasks in the UM Library, create an MS Word document, and submit it through the Module 3 Assignment link. Pick a topic of interest to you that is related to your program of study at UM. Write 2-3 sentences describing why you selected this topic. Perform research on this topic and locate two peer-reviewed articles in the UM Library, using the methods explained in this module's Learning Resources. For each article, write a one paragraph summary, incorporating at least one APA-formatted in-text ciation into each paragraph. Conclude your work by preparing an APA-formatted reference list containing both articles that you located and summarized. Save the file to your computer using the following naming convention: MD3Assgn+last name+first initial. Click the "Browse My Computer" button below to find and attach your Assignment file. Finally, add any appropriate comments pertaining to your Assignment and submit your Assignment for review.

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In this digital age, one can ask if accountants still have their place in this world. Basic accounting or bookkeeping applications are being developed every day to help entrepreneurs who do not want to pay a professional to take care of their finances. My involvement in this field has actually encouraged me to dig deeper into the matter and that is why I have selected this topic.